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Viewing War #24015

Start Time: 2023-09-05T12:17:10.000Z
End Time: 2023-09-07T11:45:00.000Z
Team Size: 50
Sync: 52

Win Calculator for War #24015 in Sync #52

House of Moons (2Y929YRRY) vs. fellowship (9C2PGLY8):

fellowship should win by tiebreak (7 = 7, high sync)

Last Known War State: warEnded

House of Moonsfellowship

Clan A:
House of Moons (2Y929YRRY) Level 16
43.30% | 76 ★

Result: Lost war

Clan B:
fellowship (9C2PGLY8) Level 22
86.24% | 132 ★

Result: Won war