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Viewing War #59346

Start Time: 2024-08-30T13:25:47.000Z
End Time: 2024-09-01T12:25:47.000Z
Team Size: 50
Sync: 219

Win Calculator for War #59346 in Sync #219

~ The Cobra ~ (9UG2UGVU) vs. ClashofThrones (Q889GPL):

~ The Cobra ~ should win by tiebreak (10 = 10, low sync)

Last Known War State: warEnded

~ The Cobra ~ClashofThrones

Clan A:
~ The Cobra ~ (9UG2UGVU) Level 32
70.00% | 105 ★

Result: Won war

Clan B:
ClashofThrones (Q889GPL) Level 21
41.66% | 68 ★

Result: Lost war